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4 Components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

We probably all know someone who has the ability to not only listen in a caring way and also a master at managing his/her emotions.  This person most likely has a high level of Emotional intelligence (EQ).  Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions to optimize your communications, regulate your emotional reaction, acknowledge others emotions, and defuse conflict.  Improving your EQ can help to optimize the manner you interact with students and colleagues in the workplace.  Here are some attributes for EQ:

Self-awareness: Recognize your own emotional response to interactions. Understand how your strengths and weaknesses affect your thoughts and behavior. Your responses can easily affect the way others respond.

Self-management: Manage your emotions in healthy ways to control impulsive feelings and behaviors and quickly adapt to changing circumstances. Identify the ways in which you manage your stress (e.g. exercise, eating healthy) and utilize these tools.

Social awareness: Understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people, identify emotional cues from others and diagnose group or organizational dynamics.

Relationship management:  Develop and maintain good relationships through clear, communication.
Inspire and influence others to have positive interactions clearly, work well in a team and build bonds with others, and manage conflict in a healthy manner.

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