Demystify FAFSA Simplification with Ocelot's AI-powered Digital Assistant, Available Now!

Don’t let dreams fall through the cracks

Overloaded staff mean underserved students. Advisors can’t serve students or the community if they’re stretched too thin.

Can Community Colleges rise to the occasion?

Center for Community College Student Engagement

National Student Clearinghouse

First Generation Foundation

“All of the pieces help us to address issues we didn’t have time to address before. It gives the staff the campus time to go into the classrooms and talk about financial literacy, to do outreach into the community. They can use that time to be creative to address the needs of the community.”

Joan Zanders, Interim VP of Enrollment Services

Northern Virginia Community College

Why Community Colleges Choose Ocelot.

Despite crunched budgets and overextended staff, Ocelot empowers staff to engage every student to improve outcomes.
Deepest Expertise.
We walked in your shoes; average 10 years higher ed experience per employee.
Biggest Brain in Higher Ed.
3,000+ questions, 2,000+ videos, 20+ departments, maintained by Compliance Team.
Launch At Full Speed.
Pre-trained AI with out-of-the-box content across the largest network of chatbots.

Over 15.6 million questions answered in the last 12 months alone.

Explore why 500 schools trust Ocelot to increase enrollment, retention, and student success.
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