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How AI can optimize student experience in higher education

Creating a Seamless Student Experience with AI: A Q&A with Ocelot CEO Anthony Rotoli

Artificial intelligence has truly transformed the landscape of higher education, enhancing student experiences and empowering staff to drive student success. To explore the possibilities of AI in higher education, Ocelot CEO Anthony Rotoli recently participated in a Fireside Chat with Campus Technology, titled “How AI Is Forging Connections Across Campus for a Seamless Student Experience.” In the course of the conversation, Anthony delved into how AI-driven communications can revolutionize student engagement and support mechanisms at universities. Let’s explore some key points from the conversation: Q: What is the connected campus, and how does it impact student communication and access to essential information? A: The connected campus aims to provide a seamless, technology-driven experience for students throughout their academic journey. By breaking down silos between various campus systems, institutions can offer a unified platform for accessing crucial data from enrollment to graduation. According to a study, 85% of CIOs believe that connected campuses are vital for enrollment and retention, underscoring the importance of a cohesive student experience. Q: What challenges do institutions face in delivering information to students effectively? A: Persistent data silos pose a significant hurdle for higher education institutions. Breaking these silos is considered a top challenge by 80%

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Three Types of AI and The One That is Used in Higher Education

How AI delivers greater and greater value to the institutions that choose to invest in it.
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Four Pressures Driving FAFSA Uncertainty and How Colleges Can Respond

Transform how your institution supports students through the enrollment processes.
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Leadership In Support of Inclusion: Insights from Dr. James Catanzaro

College Presidents should take the initiative to support social justice and inclusion.
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The Four Trends That Will Build a “New Access” Movement in Higher Education

The conversation on access is incomplete. Learn what's missing.
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Trends and Outlook

An Interview with Dr. James Catanzaro

The challenges ahead are many. So are the opportunities.
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Insights on Fall Enrollment Part 2 of 2: A Community College Perspective

For Curt Luttrell at College of the Desert, it's also all about enrollment.
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Insights on Fall Enrollment Part 1 of 2: A 4-Year Public University Perspective

For Brian Jones at Minnesota State University, Mankato, it's all about enrollment.
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Why AI Chat Is Lighting the Torch for Virtual Student Support

While the "people" part of advising will never change, AI expands capacity.
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8 Components of a Virtual Student Services Office

As schools go virtual, learn from someone who's been there and done that.
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Toward a “New Access” in Higher Education

Amid the chaos lies an opportunity to rethink access for the better.
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Top 5 Ways Chatbots Support Remote Management

In the new world of social distancing AI chatbots keep schools and students connected.
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Finding Ways to Overcome Remote Working Challenges

Learnings captured from two town hall events as schools go remote.
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