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What to Look for When Selecting AI for Higher Education Student Services

What are the most important things for higher education institutions to consider when picking an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool to use with their student services?

The experiences of your students will be better if the AI tool starts with strong pre-programmed content. AI solutions are attracting strong interest in higher ed, and they are only as strong as the content that powers them.

Utilize an AI engine that includes subject matter expertise that you can build on and grow. Implementation will be much easier, and your student experience will be infinitely better.

You want the ability to shape how the content gets better. You should have data showing how students are using the tool at any point in time. Following on from that, you want to have the ability to customize the content that students are receiving.

You want an easy to use interface. AI, with use, will enhance the content made available to students.  As discussed, you still want to be able to override and shape these experiences.  Having an AI platform with an easy to use interface will make everybody involved more successful.

With AI, your students can be informed and have great experiences 24/7/365. Starting with great content, ensuring that the content gets better, and having easy to use interfaces will get you to great outcomes with the greatest ease.

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