Demystify FAFSA Simplification with Ocelot's AI-powered Digital Assistant, Available Now!

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The Power of Human-Centered AI in Higher Education

Enhancing Support and Transforming Student Experiences

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AI Chatbot Buyer’s Guide

Everything you need to size up your AI chatbot evaluation or RFP.

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AI Communications Snapshot: Community Colleges

This snapshot further expands upon the recent findings of our AI Communications Benchmark Study, providing more granular insight on Community Colleges.

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AI Communications Snapshot: 4-Year Institutions

This snapshot further expands upon the recent findings of our AI Communications Benchmark Study, providing more granular insight on 4-Year Institutions.

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2021 AI Communications Benchmark Study

Our inaugural AI Communications Benchmark Study quantifies Ocelot data to showcase the power of personalized communications and when students need them.

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White Paper

Connecting the Dots: Integrating AI Technology to Maximize Engagement

Integrated AI improves the ROI on other technologies used across an institution’s tech stack, and enables staff to focus on activities of the highest value.

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Seeking Sustainable AI, Not “Magic Beans”

Artificial Intelligence offers a lot of promise for higher education. Nine “rules of thumb” help ensure its long-run sustainability.

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White Paper

Every Student Counts – Scaling Personalized Engagement to Drive Enrollment, Retention & Success

Harnessing technology with a determined focus to engage students in a two-way communication model is a strategy worth pursuing.

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4 Pressures Converging on Higher Education

Higher Education is at a crossroads. What can you do to combat these pressures?

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White Paper

Leveling the Playing Field – AI’s Impact on Student Enrollment

The most effective enrollment teams are supplementing the “personal touch” with artificial intelligence (AI). AI tools promote highly personalized, guided interactions that directly impact enrollment. AI can “level the playing field” across higher education in supporting the student journey.

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White Paper

An Opportunity to Scale Access & Advising

The COVID-19 pandemic is sure to exacerbate already strained college and university budgets. A big test is
coming in September, when schools will see the impact on enrollment and whether students are paying for
things like on-campus housing. Hard decisions will need to be made.

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Going Virtual With Student Services Playbook

Virtual student services office are here. Learn how Financial Aid Director Mia Mwango at Santa Fe College is uses AI chatbots and other online tools to provide students a fully virtual experience.

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10 Must-Ask Questions When Considering AI Chatbots

AI chatbots are taking higher education by storm. Download the guide to prioritize the capabilities needed to meet your access, enrollment, and service goals using AI technology.

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