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Category: SAP

Creating a SAP Policy

Creating a solid SAP policy can seem an overwhelming process.  When should you measure? What terminology do you use? Should you have an appeal process? These questions are just a few of the components administrators have to consider when writing a policy.  Then there’s communicating your comprehensive policy to your students. When and how do

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5 Tips to Get Students to Read SAP Emails

Are you concerned that your students are not reading their SAP emails? With just a little effort, you may be able to increase how many students read and comprehend this content. Here are some suggestions to enhance your communications to these students to change outcomes. Create a subject line they’ll read.  Don’t bore your students

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4 Ideas to Improve SAP Communications

Since many of us are drawing to the end of another enrollment period, we are reviewing our Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) communications in anticipation of the next round of communications. Here are some suggestions to enhance your communications to these students to change outcomes. Highlight campus resources to put them back on track.  Students may

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